Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Mills

Grinding. The power of Intel
twin core processors lets you redefine reality. Meanwhile,
where the unelectable giants don't see, enormous patience
regards the war with just a hint,
just a hint,
just a hint,
just a hint
of irritation. There are almost never words.
It was a roaring: Jeep owners told you
you wouldn’t understand, and you believed,
so you are not present in a subtle place.
There's the placeholder at the table
where you should have sat, but because you found the perfect escape
from monotony, you are behind the screen
when the show comes on again.
So many people, so many joys,
but hardly any are foam in the dazzling brook
where the water pours into itself and there is no thought
of any other way to be. It is the animal eyes, whose true message
is lack of understanding and present concern for food and safety.
I need a lifeline too. Can you share this worry?
It's a challenge, especially when the carnage dogs come back again
with empty faces when they lunge. All too often,
you stare: Much longer? Je ne sais pas. God, to be French again.
I remember William the Conqueror, and how he laughed
when his job was done. What a lark, to set foot on new soil.
As if no one would ever know--but think about the people who will
see you in their past. Too late, the chance is gone.

I am thrilled as a peach to send you this news from Patagonia:
There is no war here, only wind, and the nearness of world's end.
Wish you were here. Can this be anything but the truth?
Nothing bolder holds the candle up
to a lying mirror for the see-through revelation.
Try not to flinch.
This is nothing you could have known about
except that you are complicit.

We are simply running away from freedom before it runs away from us.

December 13 2017

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