Saturday, April 21, 2012


To hold this life in two wondering hands
is to feel that I embrace
a veritable salad of leafy miracles.
These Bibbs and Bostons,
these slices and gratings,
these dropped-in fruits and dicings are
for me to consume,
but better yet,
I hold them out
to you.

April 21 2012

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Spring Opened

Spring opened like a door in the side of Winter,
and through it sang the thrilling trill of newmade frogs,
whose chant in the chilling evening turned
the outside air into the strangest and warmest promise
of a careless life outside,
whose doors are only screens 
and never locked.

April 5 2012

Three Items From a Walk

I passed a hapless scrap of purple 
tossed bumbling across the path;
I learned that the turbine's arms
sweep the blue air with the sound 
of constantly passing jets;
I found the shell of a nut whose interior 
framed an empty heart.
One thing to remember; 
one to tell;
one to give.

April 5 2012

Monday, April 2, 2012

Fictional Quote By a Fictional Character

"It is all right to not know ninety-nine percent of what is going on, because this is how all mortals have operated throughout history. The other one percent is enough, and a damn sight better than nothing."

-- Something I imagine Rooster Cogburn, in the remake of True Grit, might have said. I know, "Huh?" It's just something that occurred to me while I was watching the movie.

April 2 2012