Friday, June 19, 2009

Is It That I Asked Too Much?

Is it that I asked too much?
One question more, one plea--
was this what made my case implausible,
forced your hand to make me fall,
away from you and toward the bitter center
of a darkened place?

Why am I here; did you leave me?
Or was it I who led me here
and are you near behind,
wanting me to turn around,
just turn
to see the help you hold
in strong hands?

Be guide to me, I pray. In this a fearful time,
remain. Be my turning post, deep rooted in the ground
for me to turn around
and start back toward the day.

June 19 2009

Saturday, June 13, 2009

What Is It That We Know -- FRAGMENT

What is it that we know?
Bedazzled by perceptions I am
caught up in,
still I must remember they are
only guesses:
the man I see in this child's face
may never be.

July 7 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009

On a Sippy Cup Still In Use

Oh in the rush to leave behind
we know we guarantee some loss
that could forever haunt us;
but it is God's most gentle dispensation
to render us new joys,
so that as we speed along,
determined to outpace each aggravation,
our thoughtless feet may always find firm ground,
and happily we careless are
by hidden hands protected.

June 26 2009