Saturday, April 6, 2013

Falling Objects

We were all a little nervous 
about objects falling from the sky.
Was that the way apocalypse
would finally visit us?
It wasn't a matter of if anymore
but when. Any bright light might
be the one.
We knew the limits of science
and defensive weaponry.
We did not trust
the grim determination of movies
to carry the day.
A warmer earth; obesity; and guns:
These were the portents,
not a comet with its tail on fire.
This time Kahoutek would pan out.
Halley would return too soon
and vengeful.
We were guided by life to seek more of it,
continuation our duty and our joy.
But there was also fatigue, 
and who wants to bequeath
burdens to the future?
Oh, it was a shameful speculation
and we knew what happens when you wish.
But one dark wonder kept inside
the secret watchpocket of our daily clothing
Better quick the end than slow?
In the unsought conviction of disaster
we weighed alternatives and knew
the downside of a heavenly finale was largely
to be left alive.

April 5 2013

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