Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Benjamin Franklin, Dissatisfied

No, I can't honestly say I know what this one is about.

In my dream, Benjamin Franklin was dissatisfied.
The colonies were growing well, but there was no room to raise wheat.
All the minor crops--rye, barley, flax--were flourishing in their small plots,
but where were the wide expanses needed to support great waving fields?
Benjamin Franklin knew he wanted to move on,
but what of the colonists' thirst for independence?
He went up to a high place overlooking all the towns
and was amazed to see how quickly the land had been developed,
how houses and roads had filled in all the empty spaces.
In spite of his restlessness, he was pleased 
with what had been accomplished.
He lay down on the green sunny lawn
and pressed his body into the warm grass
and knew a moment of great happiness and fulfilment
before he woke.

April 19 2011

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