Friday, March 18, 2011

You're Everywhere These Days

You're everywhere these days. I can't
turn the TV on without seeing your face,
or being reminded of your spectacular life as a dog.
How did you get into the sky?
The next time I go into the yard
I expect I will see you there,
looking out at me from under last year's leaves.

Last night, I dreamed I saw you charging around the yard
like a mad dog. The way you planted your feet 
like a bull, then ran, tongue out, ears wild,
like fourteen years ago; it was so good at the end
to see you clear the fence with ease. In my dream
I figured out how to get you back, but you were so
scratched up, I think now the best thing would have been,
and yes, still is, just to let you keep on running away
until you can't see me and I can't see you anymore.

March 18 2011


sia stewart said...

Gorgeous. And tear-provoking.

JoyGenerations said...

Hi Michael,
I'm one of Sia's friends from long ago and have enjoyed your poetry that she posts from time to time. I can't begin to tell you, such a long story, of how amazingly poignant and downright helpful this poem was for me today. It helped me take a difficult, important step in my life. Hope you keep writing and
Thank you!
Sandy Smith