Saturday, November 28, 2009

So Recklessly We Spent those Days

So recklessly we spent those days,
blinded in our youth to Eden
we were living in, nor knew a need
to question or to savor. One
with the headlong moment,
friend to our cousin trees and paths,
familiar as a living room and furniture.

And how else should we live?
No other way; each day we greedily consumed
and took its nourishment,
eating the ever-renewing souls
of sunshine and the leaf,
the dirt road and the pond,
growing within ourselves
new landscapes, whose rooted ways
can guide us as they did
back then.

December 1 2009


Unknown said...

Michael: How well you have captured the unawareness of youth. "And how else should we live?" Indeed!

sia stewart said...

Kingston again, or at least that's what comes to me. I'm so glad you're writing!

Matt said...

*smile* I've very rarely written poetry or reflective prose but my first foray was about Kingston as Eden.