Friday, September 11, 2009

If the Next One's Mine

Now that we're all soldiers
if the next one's mine
I know you'll understand
why it's okay.

When the blood has been collected
and the money all disbursed,
what's left for us to do but take our battle stations,
in traffic jams and kitchens,
cubicles and cabs,
milking sheds and senior homes,
and classrooms for the young?
Front lines all,
and all across the country all
are drafted to this cause.

And some would even say they're glad,
the way the disused sword is glad
when the armorer finally takes it up
to give it a useful edge;
since now our long futility
at least for now is done:
At last we have a goal,
unwanted but worth dying for;
at last we know our mission.

And even if I am not glad,
if I, like you, had other ends in mind,
there's still a consolation I can find
in knowing that the ultimate goal is served,
as each life strengthens my conviction
that we will prove with justice on the enemy
that war is not the way.

Now that we're all soldiers
if the next one's mine
remember this, with me:
No one dies in vain.

October 12 2001

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