Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Drum in Your Heart

If you have pierced ears,
do you have a drum in your heart?
When you asked me that,
how could I say anything but yes?
Freshly hysterical from your bath,
you probably meant something I was just
too old to understand,
but honestly, I'll miss it more than I can say
the day you stop making
such perfectly reasonable nonsense.

(And yes,
though it's been years since my last earring,
I would venture to say that I still do have
a drum in my heart. It beats for you,
in case you didn't know.)

March 5 2009


Jencie said...

Oh Michael! My eyes & heart welled up reading this. Lovely, lovely, funny, wonderful! When can I hug those girls again?

sia stewart said...

What Jencie said. This is wonderful! Both the poem, and the question that inspired it.