Sunday, July 3, 2011

Facing the Buddha

The truly interesting question is,
why the museum made his room so gloomy.
The first time, you reached the threshold,
brave girl, but only one step beyond. 

Then as we left the wing you wanted 
one more chance to see him, and in we flew;
and when I saw his face I said to you,
"He was a very good man who gave up his wealth,
and taught people how to live better, like Jesus." 
And then we went with your mother and sister
to laugh at Coca Cola. 

Later you asked me again what he did,
and at home made us spell his name for your book.
Young seeker, you left your fear behind,
but kept his name and message;
and in my mind I see his room
and in it I see him smiling.

July 3 2011

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