Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Here's the thing:
Waking with the sun,
rummaging in the fussy bottom drawer,
running out along the grassy drive
(cold dew numbing your feet to the stones)
and hoisting the raven flag
into the island breeze before
running back to breakfast
doesn't happen all that often.
Go back and tell yourself that
before you forget.

May 30 2023

I tell him I know,
I know,
but it isn't true,
any more than that he understands me.
He's an almost-gone dog,
a shawl of cancer beads shrouding a mystery
that tells me I don't know,
I don't know.

July 11 2023


I wish I knew that memory more.
All I have is green beneath the wing,
rising as we made our final approach.
Were there really zebras
running beside the landing strip?
And then that taste of orange soda
in the British style hotel.
That’s it. But we were finally there
and that’s enough.

July 11 2023

To have looked through a kaleidoscope before
is not at all the same thing
as looking through one again.

May 2023

Did I tell you how the other morning 
Molly came down the road, 
paws and tail, 
to sniff his chin?
Old man, he stood still till she was done,
then he dipped his head to hers in turn, 
good girl,
and she ran back to her owner.

April 24 2023

The least of life is much to love.
Consider a withered tree
and how we hope to see it bud again,
and those who agree
that lichen on stone is beautiful.
To say nothing of pine.
To say nothing of ivy's profusion.
And then the lawn,
and then the crows,
and the wide savannah and its game and predators,
and the oblate spheroid of incalculable wealth.
We are the least of life, but there is much to love.

April 9 2023

Morning Pledge

For now, I will do these things
and I will be these things
and I will say these things
and I will see these things
before me.
The rest,
that horrid host,
shall not consume me.

April 4 2023

if you think about it
we’re all in a place
where someone falling from low earth orbit
would love to be

March 16 2023