Monday, August 24, 2015

Second Rain

The trees rain last
into dry shade they cast
while the sky was taking its turn.
You can relive the rain just by walking
through intermittent showers dropping
suddenly from green heaven.

August 24 2015

Monday, August 17, 2015

Wading For Dog, Oh

They are not drowned, the fields
of marsh across the river,
but tide's a surprising thing:
There may be water still in the great track rut
for him to trouble
with his splashing dash and ducking head,
until he stands in rapture grinning
and I call him to come shake it off
head to tail
like Pluto, faithful clown.

August 17 2015

Monday, August 10, 2015

Three Fortune Cookies

If you can't fit in, stand out.

To understand your journey completely, you must go on foot.

What does a mirror look like without its reflection?

-- The Collected Fortune Cookie Sayings of Michael Kei Stewart

August 10 2015