Friday, December 31, 2010


She thought it might be a library
because the banner by the entrance said renew.
I corrected her mistake and she said oh
like cleaning whiteboards at school
or showering
or making your first penance
and I said yes
you are exactly right
and as we left the church behind
I put my arm around her shoulder
to hug her wisdom to me
and also was renewed.

December 31 2010

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Storm After Christmas

From day to night the lights are lit
along this unpaved road
on which the crow is walking
where the snowplows bit,
and where the dog is dallying
with scents that winter locked up 
in its bitter storm.

After celebration came emergency
revising all our plans for season's joy.
So much was taken, 
barely given,
we all were lost with it,
and for the best of reasons
once more we went shopping.

Slowly, slowly comes the thaw:
The little spring they forecast.
Soon a while the dog may taste 
again those odors, and the sea
give back what it has stolen.
The winter's long before us
and the cold will come again,
but certain longer light will show
at least there is a way.

December 29 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Untitled 12/23/2010

It is the weariness of a year
near its end that sighs inside me. 
I can feel the weight of all its days
and the fractious fever of those final few
that pushed me to this stopping place:
where silence sits beside me,
waiting like a faithful, lifelong friend.
And we will rest together,
expectant for the end,
saying nothing to each other 
of the hope that we still harbor,
secret in our hearts,
that we will see the advent once again
from darkness
of the miracle of joy.

December 23 2010

Saturday, December 18, 2010

They Are Two So Beautiful

They are two so beautiful
who should say that there is more
ever to be wished than this
that I and they and she and he
remain, together in this place
till time brings round its changes
and that when it does
our hands will still be clasped
and hearts will still be one?

December 18 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

Zeno, Farewell

A single hammer stroke is to a finished house
as we are to the stars appearing nightly.
Zeno said you can't get there from here
but daily we defy him. We finish walks,
step and step, though each one is impossible.
We do our deeds, from zero to completion,
though failure is our starting point
and ignorance our guide. Again, again, these people
continue to surprise; again,
again we find ourselves
poised to overstride infinity.

December 17 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010

There Are Snowflakes in Our House

There are snowflakes in our house
cut with a fancy stamper
they get into all sorts of things
turn up everywhere unexpected
and on some the youngest one has written
tiny messages
initials joined by plus signs
smiley faces
or hearts
so nice to see 
they do not melt
maybe I will find one in a shoe
to refresh my heart
next summer.

December 10 2010

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The First of Winter

We are waiting for the snow
which may or may not fall
in flurries if at all;
meanwhile, we will go.
The forecast has been definitely tentative
for days, but there is something in this light,
as it strikes upon the white of houses
and makes the shadows shrink
to utter blackness in the crevices of granite walls,
that makes it seem most certain it will crystallize,
and fill the air around us with the first of winter,
like a blessing on us all.

December 5 2010